Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes
November 29, 2022
Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes November 29, 2022 Cara Arver called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm. Cara Arver, Timi Sloat, Carrie Brueck, Mike Friesner, Amber Troyer, Carmita Hunter, Michelle Brokaw, and Robert (Bob) Klar were present. Kathleen Brandon was absent.
Bob motioned to approve the agenda, second by Carmita. Motion approved. Michelle motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, second by Carmita. Motion approved.
Financial report was given by Carrie. In her report Carrie noted that a Biblionix charge was in this ledger period. Cara motioned to accept the financial report as presented, second by Bob. Motion approved.
Shetler has begun work on the building. Some construction noise is noted.The added insulation is making the library noticeably more comfortable. Siding is being installed. Doors and windows have not arrived yet. Shetler has given a 2 to 4 week projection with adjustments for weather. Patrons have been giving staff positive feedback.
The board discussed the Library Director position. Michelle made a motion to approve Timi Sloat as Nottawa Township Library Director effective December 1, 2022. A vote was held. Voting YES was Cara Arver, Amber Troyer, Carmita Hunter, Michelle Brokaw and Robert (Bob) Klar. Motion approved.
The board discussed changing a move to a salary pay structure, rather than hourly, for the Library Director. Bob made a motion to approve the salary for Timi Sloat for the remainder for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (December 1, 2022 until June 30, 2023) at $23,400. A vote was held. Voting YES was Cara Arver, Amber Troyer, Carmita Hunter, Michelle Brokaw and Robert (Bob) Klar. Motion approved.
A resolution was made in which the Nottawa Township Library Board authorizes Timi Sloat, Kristen Ruckert, and Harmony Miller for check signing authority with Sturgis Bank and Trust. The Nottawa Township Library Board is removing Carrie Brueck as an authorized check signer effective December 1, 2022.
The policy update project is “on hold” until the new Director reviews the program.
The board discussed needed changes to the 2022-2023 budget. Carmita motioned to have the board increase budget item Directors Pay (271-702) from $42,000 to $46,000. Total Expenditures increase from $249,000 to $253,000. Second by Bob. Motion approved.
The Director's Report was presented. Meeting room use is up past Pre-Covid levels.
The board and Mike Friesner of Lockport Township introduced themselves to Timi.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2023 at 4:00pm. Doodle Poll for quorum confirmation will be sent. Adjourn motion by Cara, second by Bob.
Meeting adjourned at 4:26pm.