Sponsor a Picture Book for Kindergarten Classrooms!

In children’s literature, every reader needs 'window stories' and 'mirror stories'. "Mirrors to be able to see themselves, and windows to be able to see the lives of other people who maybe don’t look like [them]. Those stories are key to developing empathy." --Michelle Martin, Professor University of Washington Children and Youth Services.

Picture an empty classroom without all of the heart and creativity teachers bring to the space. A 2019 article stated the national average a K-12 teacher spends on their classroom in 2018 was $459. Now imagine going back to school in 2020...

You can support our teachers and students and put more 'mirror and window' books in our local classrooms by donating to cover a picture book at a reduced cost. Books can be sponsored at a 45% discount on the cover price and will be delivered to the local Kindergarten teachers. Contact the Library Director at: carrie.brueck@monroe.lib.mi.us or via Facebook Messenger if you would like to sponsor a book!


August 4, 2020 Library Millage Renewal Request

On August 4, 2020 the Nottawa Township Library Millage Renewal will be on the ballot for Nottawa Township voters. The wording of the millage request is as follows:

“Shall the expired previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution in Nottawa Township of 1.6531 mill ($1.6531 per $1,000 of taxable value), reduced to 1.6179 mill per ($1.6179 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at up to 1.6351 mill ($1.6531 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for ten years, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 inclusive, for the purpose of providing funding for the township library in Nottawa Township, raising an estimated $210,861.44 the first year the millage is levied.

 [  ] Yes             [  ] No”

If you have questions regarding the Library’s Millage Renewal Request, please contact the Library Director at carrie.brueck@monroe.lib.mi.us.