Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes

September 24, 2024

Cara Arver called the meeting to order at 4:59 pm.

Michelle Brokaw, Kathleen Brandon, Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, Timi Sloat, and Robert (Bob) Klar were present. Amber Troyer was absent.

Discussion was held on the agenda. Kathleen  motioned to approve an amended agenda, which included the Lockport  Township contract under OLD BUSINESS.  Bob seconded. A vote was held. The motion was approved.

Discussion was held on the minutes from the July 25, 2024 meeting. Carmita motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Cara. A vote was held. The motion was approved.

Financial report was given by Timi. There are two charges of note.

●     The Asphalt sealing is completed and paid for.

●     A heavy-duty, lockable craft cabinet  has been purchased using funds from the Jane Yoder memorial donation

Bob motioned to accept the financial report as presented, seconded by Carmita. A vote was held. The motion was approved.

Old Business:

●     Discussion was held on the Lockport Township library contract.  The Three Rivers Library and Lockport Township have finalized a financially similar agreement. An updated contract between Nottawa Township library and Lockport Township is not needed.

New Business:

●     Timi reported on another successful Summer Reading program.  Events were well attended and the weather caused only one program cancellation.

●     The October Small Library Conference is in-person this year.  Timi requested board approval to close the library on October 15, 2024 for staff training. Discussion was held. Cara made a resolution to authorize the director to close the library on October 15, 2024. Seconded by Carmita. A voice vote was held. The resolution was approved.

●     The Michigan minimum wage will be increasing in February 2025.  The current Nottawa Township Library Salary Schedule and sick-time policies will not be in compliance with the new guidelines. Timi requested input from the board. A discussion was held. The director will present options at the November meeting.

●     The date of the November Library Board meeting is moved to November 18, due to Thanksgiving holiday conflicts.

●     A domestic assault occurred on library property on September 4, 2024.  This incident was witnessed by staff and captured on video.

The July and August 2024 Director’s reports were given. Timi commended the staff for a successful 2024 Summer reading program. 

Public Comment: None

The next meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2024 at 4:00pm. Doodle Poll for quorum confirmation will be sent.

Adjourn motion by Bob, second by Cara. Meeting adjourned at 5:43pm.

Secretary: Robert L. Klar