Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes
June 12, 2023
Cara Arver called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.
Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, Timi Sloat, Amber Troyer and Robert (Bob) Klar were present. Kathleen Brandon and Michelle Brokaw were absent.
Bob motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Carmita. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Discussion was held on the minutes from the March 29, 2023 meeting. An error was identified in New Business. Carmita motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with the error corrected, seconded by Bob. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Financial report was given by Timi. The technology upgrade payments were discussed. Amber motioned to accept the financial report as presented, seconded by Bob. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Old Business:
Technology upgrades are complete. Staff are seeing increases in functionality and security. These upgrades have been reimbursed by the ARPA Grant. A balance of $1,431.23 is owed to Ascend. After reimbursement, there will be $3,605.35 remaining from the grant. These funds are available until October 15, 2024.
Cara made a resolution to authorize the final payment of $1,431.23 to Ascend. Seconded by Carmita. A roll call vote was held. Voting YES was Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, Amber Troyer, and Robert (Bob) Klar ABSENT: Kathleen Brandon and Michelle Brokaw. The authorization was approved.
New Business:
Timi requests to change the Director’s pay back to hourly, instead of salary. The issue was discussed. Bob made a resolution to change the Director’s pay back to hourly as before, seconded by Amber. A vote was held. The resolution was approved.
CertaSite Co. performed an inspection on the Library’s Fire Suppression System. The system is in working order. Discussion was held concerning the inspection as well as the scheduling of future inspections.
Some staff turnover has occurred. Hired in May was Azealia. Kristi moved to another opportunity and her last day was June 3rd. Henry Sloat will be hired to power-wash, scrape, and repaint the Library’s storage barn.
The dates for the 2023-2024 Nottawa Township Library Board Meetings: July 24, 2023; September 25, 2023; November 27, 2023; January 24, 2024; March 20, 2024; May 20, 2024; and June 24, 2024.
The 2023-2024 Proposed Budget was presented and discussed. Line item 271-978 Books and Videos is a significant increase due to the rise in the cost of books. 271-702 Director’s Pay was discussed. An increase to 42,120 was proposed. A roll call vote was held to approve the final Proposed Budget with Total Revenues of 280,600.00 and Total Expenditures of 259,820. Voting YES was Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, Amber Troyer, and Robert (Bob) Klar ABSENT: Kathleen Brandon and Michelle Brokaw. The 2023-2024 Nottawa Township Library budget is approved.
Lockport Township inadvertently paid their 2022/2023 contribution twice. Bob made a resolution to authorize the Director to reimburse the overpayment of $18,150. Seconded by Cara. A vote was held. The resolution passed.
The March, April, and May 2023 Director’s reports were given.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 24, 2023 at 5:00pm. Doodle Poll for quorum confirmation will be sent.
Adjourn motion by Cara, second by Bob. Meeting adjourned at 5:04 pm.
Secretary: Robert L. Klar