Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes
July 25, 2023
Cara Arver called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm.
Amber Troyer, Michelle Brokaw, Kathleen Brandon, Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, Timi Sloat, and Robert (Bob) Klar were present.
Kathleen motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Cara. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Discussion was held on the minutes from the June 12, 2023 meeting. Cara motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Amber. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Financial report was given by Timi. Bob motioned to accept the financial report as presented, seconded by Michelle. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Old Business:
The Library’s storage barn project is complete.
New Business:
The board discussed the Children’s Librarian position. Bob made a resolution to approve Harmony Miller as Nottawa Township Library Children’s Librarian. A roll call vote was held. Voting YES was Amber Troyer, Michelle Brokaw, Kathleen Brandon, Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, and Robert (Bob) Klar The resolution was approved.
The positions of Library Board President, Vice-President, and Secretary were discussed. Volunteers were sought to serve in these roles. Bob nominated the current slate of Cara Arver as Board President, Kathleen Brandon as Board Vice-President, and Robert Klar as Board secretary. A roll call vote was held. Voting YES was Amber Troyer, Michelle Brokaw, Kathleen Brandon, Carmita Hunter, Cara Arver, and Robert (Bob) Klar.
The June 2023 Director’s report was given. Patronage is trending higher. Timi gave an update on the 2023 Summer reading program.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 25, 2023 at 4:00pm. Doodle Poll for quorum confirmation will be sent.
Adjourn motion by Bob, second by Michelle. Meeting adjourned at 4:28 pm.
Secretary: Robert L. Klar
APPROVED: September 25, 2023