Nottawa Township Library Board Minutes
January 24, 2023
Kathleen Brandon called the meeting to order at 5:01 pm.
Kathleen Brandon, Timi Sloat, Mike Friesner, Amber Troyer, Carmita Hunter, Michelle Brokaw, and Robert (Bob) Klar were present. Cara Arver was absent.
Kathleen made a resolution to amend the agenda by adding “Discussion of library board trustee training opportunities.” The proposed discussion would be added to Other New Business. A vote was held. The resolution passed. Bob motioned to approve the agenda with the additional training discussion, seconded by Michelle. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Discussion was held on the November 29, 2022 minutes. A misspelling was identified. Michelle motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with the misspelling corrected, seconded by Amber. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
Financial report was given by Timi. No unusual expenses were noted. The credit card used by the former director is being discontinued. A new credit card for library business has been obtained from Sturgis Bank and Trust. The 2022-2023 budget item 271-702, Directors Pay, has been amended per board resolution at the previous meeting. Bob motioned to accept the financial report as presented, seconded by Carmita. A vote was held. The motion was approved.
The building improvements continue. The siding is complete and the new doors have been installed. New security sensors have also been installed. Some minor work remains.
New Business:
Staff salary schedule was discussed. An update to the current salary schedule is needed to stay in compliance with Minimum wage law. Bob made a resolution to amend the Nottawa Township Library Salary Schedule by increasing each step from its current 2%, to 4%. Seconded by Michelle. A roll call vote was held. Voting YES was Carmita Hunter, Michelle Brokaw, Amber Troyer, Robert (Bob) Klar, and Kathleen Brandon. The resolution was approved.
Timi brought forth some concerns in regards to the auditing firm used to compile the Annual Financial Report. The value of the service the Library received was discussed. Carmita made a resolution to authorize the director to pay Gabridge & Company $2,950 for the FYE 2022 annual financial report. Seconded by Michelle. A voice vote was held. The resolution was approved.
The Annual Financial Report is complete and each board member present was given a copy. Michelle made a motion to table discussion and approval of the financial report. Seconded by Kathleen. A voice vote was held. The motion was approved.
Kathleen presented two continuing education opportunities available to board members. Training is offered through the Library of Michigan.
The November and December 2022 Director’s reports were given.
During public comment, Mike requested the number of Lockport Township patrons to be added to the Director’s report.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 27, 2023 at 4:00pm. Doodle Poll for quorum confirmation will be sent.
Adjourn motion by Kathleen, second by Bob. Meeting adjourned at 5:43pm.
Secretary: Robert L. Klar
Date of approval: March 29, 2023